Thursday, April 20, 2006

'Hot Water Burn Baby'

Last night at dinner we were approached by a young Indian man, very well spoken, not so well dressed, he started asking us about what country we were from, and then the area we lived in in the UK, after speaking to some of the locals of the next table, it became apparent that the guy was almost like the character Dustin Hoffman played in the 'Rainman'. He could speak 11 different languages and he knew all the postcodes for all the areas and boroughs in the UK and probably a lot more countries than I cared to ask about?!!! The guy had never been to school 'cos he came from a very poor background, and had taught himself everything he needed to know from speaking to tourists & reading books (and then some)! I was gob-smacked. Anyone that has seen the film will know what I mean by the title of this blog, and if you haven't seen it, then you should!




Anonymous said...

OMG RAINMAN is so cool im sooooo jealouse u got to met a guy like rainman! how awsome! did u ask him for the postcode to feltham lol hahaha lmao or did he say it didnt exist?

prital x x x

Sity said...

He knew the postcode for Feltham... scarey