Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Totally Tet

And there was me thinking that I would be back in London for good by now… It’s crazy how quickly situations and circumstances have the ability to change… and after preparing myself to move back to London 3 weeks ago, being homeless, possibly jobless and definitely clueless, I now find myself back in Vietnam with a spanking new apartment in Singapore… Inundated with work and job offers with the prospect of working in Cambodia and Australia and definitely another year to spend in Asia!

I’m still not sure that all this is a good thing, but once again… the option of, well, having options can’t be totally dismissed… after all experiencing life back at home over the Tet Holidays was a real eye opener. It gave me firsthand experience of the effects that the current economic climate is having on people’s lives. It’s pretty easy to distance yourself from it all when you are on the other side of the world, working in a developing country where recession isn’t even in the vocabulary! Can’t miss something you never had, hey?!

I thought that knowing where I would be for the next year, at least, would mean that I could start making some solid plans.. you know things like settling down, looking for a new job, starting my career… like hell! Things are still as ‘up in the air’ as they have ever been. I had planned on leaving my current job to move on to somewhere where I had more of a chance of developing myself, and where I could be grounded for a while, but to be fair the chance to travel some more is somewhat appealing, so maybe the career will have to be put on hold for a little while longer?! I even thought that if the my stint in my current role left me completely unemployable then I would go back and study… yes, that’s right… STUDY!!! I think it’s just been long enough for the pain of assignments and exams to have numbed… or maybe I’m just crazy…? No comments please.

Options, options, options!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yes… I made it… It’s still Jan so I can still with everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR… right?
Anyway I know that these blogs are coming even fewer and far between, but at least that means I’m keeping buys.
I can’t believe that it’s been 4 years since I started this thing!?
So what’s been happening… well aside from continuing my work in Vietnam, it turns out that I will probably be in Asia (based in Singapore) for another year or so.. Not a bad thing considering the economic situation back in the UK… although I’m missing home and my friends heaps at the mo.. Xmas is always a tough time in that respect.. French Polynesia definitely did a lot to ward off the home sickness for a while though… Damn Bora Bora was so beautiful… we’ll be hard pressed to beat it for an Island paradise that’s for sure… especially seeing as all the places I’ve returned to since starting this have turned out to be a huge disappointment :o(
I know I’ve been working in Vietnam for a while now, and I am still loving it… it grows on you.. trust me! But being away from home for so long is beginning to take its toll… I’m losing touch with lots of people and seem to be missing out of a lot of weddings and babies too.. I guess I’m getting to that age now :o/ Maybe it’s time to hang up the traveling boots? I reckon I’ve still got a couple of years left in them yet.. but one thing’s for sure… I need to make a plan… hmmmm. Any ideas… anyone?
I read an article the other day about ‘The Quarter Life Crisis’ and it certainly rung true for me.. I have no idea what I wanna do.. I know I have choices and that a great thing, but what to do, what to do??? I envy those people who single mindedly have a goal and go after it, but then one has to wonder if it’s not just as advantageous to be open minded and just ‘go with the flow’ so to speak? Maybe I’ll become a teacher.. isn’t that what everyone that doesn’t know what to do does? No offence to all the great, inspirational teachers out there… or… go back to being a student !!!! Ahhhhhhh… Although once again, don’t you have to kind of have to know where you want that to take you?
So as you can probably tell.. I’m at a bit of a cross roads in my life at the mo. Who knows where I’ll end up? One thing I do know is that I have determination and the support of lot’s of amazing people in my life (one in particular) that will certainly see me though... whatever the outcome.
I guess you’ll know when I know.
Keep reading Readers!