Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All work, work, work...... work???

There is nothing more I would like to say than ‘life is boring and there isn’t much going on at all’, but as you have probably guessed from my lengthy silence, this has NOT , been the case!

In between work, holidays, work, football, work, concerts, work, babies (not mine), work, more holidays and even more work, work, work life has been craaaaazzzzzyyy!

I can’t complain though, I am doing heaps of travelling and am currently working on a project out in India. I know it sound all glitzy, but all this travelling can tire a girl out…. I think I am ready for another holiday, lol ;o)

So in summary things are going quite well, my family is still on the ever increasingly futile quest to find me a suitor :o/ ??? Work is going well, but super busy so I’m puttin’ load’s of extra hours in, that’s not to say that I haven’t had the chance to let my hair down.
One of the highlights has to be my final week in London before I left for India…
Hanging with Kasey, Brett & Eddies birthday bash, My sisters random birthday lunch and Toby’s with Mike.
Oh and not to mention an awesome week in the Dominican Republic with Nev.
Lowlights were definitely the Rabies shots for India… yeah, yeah, I’ve already heard all the jokes so enough of that ;o)

I must take the opportunity to apologise to all of those whom I have neglected over the past couple of months….

Foster folks, Emma, Craig & Chloe-Leigh as well as my mates, I’ll use work as my main excuse, but there are soooo many more. I’d like to think that things will calm down over the up and coming months, but it look’s like I will be transferred out to Singapore for work for a while… probably about a year, so watch this space, and if you ever find yourself out in that neck of the woods, be sure to look me up. Singapore centre is only about a 20min drive from the airport, so no excuses!

Ok so I hope you are all safe and well, sorry again for not having been in touch for a while, will try not to be sooo much of a slacker in the future.

From Delhi…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya girl!

I'm planning to visit Southeast Asia this summer again, and probably Singapore as well because I love that city! SO I'll let you know when I'm around! Do you have any tips when it comes to places to visit in Indonesia?

Greets from Amsterdam!
X Annick
(girl from the Cameron Highlands)