Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Same old, same old

So what have I been up to… Globetrotting as much as possible to be honest… Let me see, the last time I wrote I’d just come back form Amsterdam after which I left for Germany with Ben to take in the sights, sounds and smells of Colognes world famous Christmas Markets. I couldn’t believe that such a small city could be home to such a big attraction. It was great... Didn’t actually buy anything… except lots of mulled wine … whoops ;o)

Christmas was a peaceful affair, hanging out with the usual crowd in Walton (shout out to Huck) and dinner with the Kennedy’s (Thanx Mike), and New Years was as crazy as ever.

I saw in the New Year with a trip away to Malta and then Iceland, weather wise, from one extreme to another. Both trips were great, but a word of warning to anyone planning to go to Iceland… Damn it’s expensive.. TRUST ME, when I say this… We’re talking almost 8 GBP for a beer, but it’s definitely worth it for a few days, it’s beautiful… As always I’ll get some photos when I have a bit more time on my hands.

Work is going well, but I never seem to have enough going on to stop me from thinking about traveling again.

There is the possibility that I am going to be sent out to India for a few months for work so that my keep the animal at bay for a while, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Apart from that and throwing random coconuts into the Thames (trust me you don’t want to know), I haven’t really been up to much worth writing about… Life in London is pretty bog standard… I love this City and the people in it, but in terms of writing something interesting all I can say is bars, drinks, food, clubs. Etc, etc, etc…. ;o)

What have you guys been up?

Till the next installment…


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