Monday, September 17, 2007

Game Plan...???

So what’s new in Sity’s world. Well not much to be honest. Things are pretty quiet. The last of the visitor from far, exotic lands have tailed off and I have been left to wonder the streets alone… Well that’s not exactly true. I’ve been hanging out with Vanessa from Peru for the past week, and have decided that she is going to be my new drinking buddy… Well for as long as she stays in London anyway. Have also been spending time with Dan (the new guy at work) and his missus. He’s a lot like me, likes to have a laugh, so we get along great!
If I’m going to get serious about getting my own place in London though things are going to have to calm down a lot more… I’m not sure if that is humanly possible, not for me anyway. I’ve laid the cards down and weighed up my options, and they are as follows:

a) Invest into developing a dump with a friend
b) Buy with a friend
c) Buy in the Midlands
d) Get a better paid job
e) Enroll in some clinical trials
f) Sell vital body organs for cold hard cash
g)… and my mother’s personal favorite and solution to all my problems…. Get married!!!

Don’t you just love living in a modern ‘free’ world full of choices?!
I haven’t decided which of my many choices I will pursue yet, but I’ll let you know when I do!

One thing I can be thankful for is the lack of man trouble that I am having at the moment…. That would be a direct result of not actually having a one… A man that is.
It seems to me that every female I know is having trouble related to the male species of this world! It’s quite liberating having your freedom and life to do whatever you please. I only wish my friends could see that. Guess it ain’t that easy when you are sooo close to the situation. All I can say to you guys is, and I know it’s a cliché but… ‘Time is a great healer’. I only hope I won’t be eating my words anytime soon.

Ok I gotta love ya and leave ya kiddies…

Till the next time….. Don’t go changing!

Quick updates:

Congratulations to:
Alick – On getting engaged
Mandy and Dre – Announcing the fact that they are going to be parents

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