Monday, June 23, 2008

Pain in the ....

Hey Campers…

I am loving life right now, and it’s loving me!!!

Things are going grate in Singapore, unfortunately right now though, I am not there. I just flew into India for work again, but hopefully this time only for a week.

As usual I have been doing the traveling thing India, Malaysia, Thailand…. Well, that’s to come and Oz towards the end of the year, save that and drinking and partying and making new friends, not to mention house making… yeah that’s right,…. Me making home, things have been pretty….. um,….. Steady I guess.

Have been in Singapore for just over a month and although I miss London and my friends, we, me and my fella, have had soooo many visitors, it’s been pretty impossible to feel home sick.

We haven’t really done much in the way of sights in Singapore, to tell you the truth we really didn’t think there were that many touristy attractions, but the more we get to know the place, the more we seem to realize that we were wrong.

Any how from fear of falling into the tourist trap, we have now turned our attentions to seeing more of Southeast Asia than of Singapore itself… Off on a live-a-board dive trip in a couple of weeks … somewhere in Malaysia, can’t wait haven’t been diving in ages… Hopefully I will have fully recovered from the most excruciating massage that I have EVER had in my whole life by then… For those of whom ever get curious… I definitely advise AGAINST little Asian ladies offering Balinese massages that will leave you bruised from shoulder to ass! :o/

Hope all is well with you…

From a monsoon-ing New Delhi


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